Saturday, April 14, 2007

Let's talk here, people.

Ok, you all need to learn to crochet.

And not just you, Ms. Pink. I'm talking to all y'all.

Let's discuss:

1. Crocheting is faster than knitting. It's practically instant gratification. Last night, I sat down and crocheted a cotton washcloth in an hour. AN HOUR.

2. It uses 1/3rd more yarn per square inch than knitting. This might sound like a negative, but:

3. Couple 1 and 2 and you get to use more of your fabulous yarns. Which, in turn, allows you to feed your fiber obsession without feeling like a crazy cat woman. And since as far as I know, there is no Yarnaholics Annonymous, there are many out there who need to keep their stash movin'.

4. It is very much in style at the moment. Don't believe me? Check out Interweave Crochet. Or Crochet!(But don't let the yarns they use fool you. They seem to have a knack for hiding good designs under questionably chosen yarns.) Pick up a copy of The Happy Hooker. Oh, and don't forget Crochet Me. FREE, fashionable patterns for all skill levels, yo. Have you seen the new edition? Or old ones, for that matter?

5. You only have one stitch live at a time. If you hook falls out, the whole thing doesn't fall apart before your eyes. Frogging is less stressful. It's easier to transport without worrying about your needles jabbing through your bag or dropping stitches.

6. Crocheted lace? Infinitely easier than knitted lace, if just for the reasons mentioned in #5.

Skeptical? Check out the stores the next time you are there: embelishments, trims, skirts, hats, accessories, sweaters, ponchos, wraps, etc, etc. Despite the fashion industry classifying them all as "knits", much of what you're seeing is actually crochet. I'm not going to say "it's not your grandmother's crochet!" because, you know what? It is. A lot of the stuff out there is based on styles that were around in Grandma's time. They have been tweaked and made in better yarns with up-to-date styles and they are fabulous. Think there is no way for "grandma's" fashions to be brought up to date? What, you think wedges and a-line skirts popped out of a designer's brain, fully-formed, last year? Now, I'm not anti-knitting. In fact, for the last year, the majority of what I've done has been knitting, mainly because it finally clicked and so I've been enjoying the novelty of it. But, crochet is always my first love.


Wannabe said...

Okay first off...I like my new nickname. Delish.

Second. If you want me to be all Linda-like and ask 50 million questions then I'll try it again. Okay? Happy? Sheesh. ;) But then I'll have to pay you in Harmony Guides or something...wait you have them all.

Unknown said...

i agree! i've been crocheting for YEARS, but only began knitting a few months ago, and although i LOVE what you can make with cables and smooth knitted fabrics, when i need a gift FAST, the crochet hooks come out!

I made a purse AND a beaded crocheted wire bracelet in three hours one day for a little girl's birthday.

ps - i'm looking forward to coming to the S'n'B group here sometime soon...i think i see a light at the end of the tunnel out there somewhere!

Anonymous said...

wannabe gave me your blog address. great blog.

Ok, you've convinced me - I want to learn to crochet.