Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Well, it's official!

I am (or will be as soon as I get the contract printed out and mailed in) an Official Crochet Designer.

I heard back from the people at the publishing company today and they picked up 4 of my designs for an upcoming household crochet book.

Yay! I would like to thank my husband for his patience at finding yarn all over the house, being shushed while I count, and willingness to engage in sidetrips to yarn shops while on vacation. The kids have been great at not touching mommy's work and only doodling on the blank pages of my design journal, so thanks for that. The wonderful people at Crochet Me, who gave me the foolish notion that other people would be interested in my designs in the first place. The ladies at knit club who put up with my incessant chatter about it all, especially Miss Pink and Linda who have hooked me up with yarn and encouragement countless times. And, of course, The Academy!


Anonymous said...


Wannabe said...

I am over the moon proud of you! YEAHHHHHH! You are amazing!

Now, you better bring some stuff for me to look at tomorrow night. Got it.

Oh, and the Academy thanks you back.