Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Slideshows may be annoying, but they are really fast to put together and post!

Here are all the scary "before" photos from the bathroom. (Click that sentence. Then I had to click to option to go full size before it would play for me.) I believe we started this in January '06. So, a year and a half of bathroom limbo and we're close to being done. Finally. I will post pictures of the tile in progress when I have a few more spare moments. In the meantime, I think you can agree that this room really, really needed some attention.


Wannabe said...


Pam said...

Hi, there wasn't an email addy attached to your comment on my crochet clapotis but I tracked you down anyway! I am part of the local SnB group, if you're not already a member you can join at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/snbaz/ I think there are also groups in Mesa and on the West side... I'm glad you like the pattern, it was fun to do.