Saturday, April 7, 2007

Posting in my craft blog on a weekend! My stars and garters!

I just had to share that I spent my evening marooned at home sewing all the linings for the ipod cozies and the green and brown cabeled bag. I should be able to get them all hand sewn in by the 10th. There are some snaps to be sewn on, too. It may be tight.

But if I do get it done, it will make eleven FOs for the knitathon. One more than my goal.

Woot! There's a party over here! There's a party over there!

In the interest of full disclosure, I should probably share that I was trimming the excess selvedge from an iPod lining when I accidentally snipped the linning bit itself. So, I threw that lining away and I'm NOT redoing it. That iPod cozy will get a snap and will become a pouch for the girls to use for dress up. Maybe I'll chain a cord for it or something. I'm so sick of sewing, though, there is no way I'm making another tonight.

Also, this is a reminder to be careful with your scissors. I'm lucky it wasn't a piece of my clothing. I'm going to have to start sewing in the nude.

Also, I just got word that the hubster has procured a new camera, so photo posts should be returning soon! Yay!

1 comment:

Wannabe said...

Too bad you didn't post on Sunday. Then I could have called you a Jack Mormom and spanked you. LOL!