Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Welcome, welcome!

Well, it appears to be as good a time as any to go live with this thing! My old blog's name didn't accurately reflect what I do. Sure, I still crochet and love it to bits, but since starting that blog, my interest in knitting and spinning have blossomed, too. And, while I am most greatful to the good folks at Crochet Me for providing such an excellent service, I was having a difficult time editing the blog's look and feel myself. So, I opted for blogger, which is much more WYSIWYG in it's design.

My old blog has been DOA for the last three months as I got this one ready and then had to put it on hold while life happened. I'm hoping to be much more on top of things now that this blog is officially "live."


søren said...

i really want to make you a banner for your title. I know exactly what it would be. if i were going to make you something like that, what color would you imagine it would be, mainly?

søren said...

AND, would you want that subtitle? or just the "spiffy" part? I could save it as a file where I could change the subtitle whenever you got bored of it, I suppose!

Spiff said...

Oooooh, a baaaaannnerrr!!

I love having graphically inclined friends! I'm trying to make the blog tie in with my store site, so the blue background stays and black lettering, and that's about all that I'm married to right now. What do you have in mind, chiquita?